About Us

Harden Primary School was founded in 1877 and part of the school is still housed in the original Victorian Building. The school is at the centre of Harden village and is an important part of the community. A hall and new classrooms were added in the 1960s and recent extensions have enabled us to improve our provision and facilities further.

Harden Primary School is a one form entry school. It provides good quality education for children aged between 5 and 11 years old. The school converted to academy status in September 2013, the first Primary school in the area to do so.

The school has seven classrooms; one for each year group. Other areas provide space in which to teach classes and small groups, e.g. library, cooking room and group rooms. The school offers a well-stocked library, wireless network used by new laptops and iPads that can be taken to each classroom and a large hall for gymnastics, games and dance. Electronic interactive whiteboards are used to stimulate and enhance learning in all classrooms. There are attractive displays of children’s work around the school. Two playgrounds provide space for lunch and playtime games as well as an outdoor play area for the use of children in Reception class.

During term time, the school day is 8:30am to 3 pm Monday to Friday (Typical week 32.5 hours). Our office opening hours are between 8:15am and 4pm