Special Educational Needs and Local Offer
Role of SENDCo
Our named SENDCo is Hannah Bott, in her absence please contact Leanne Ruddock (Headteacher).
SENDCOs consult and liaise with staff, parents and carers, external agencies and appropriate professionals and voluntary bodies. They try to ensure that support is co-ordinated and targeted appropriately, and that all are informed and updated about children on the SEND register and understand how best to help.
They rely on parents’ help and support too: if you are aware that your child has any kind of difficulty, inform the staff at the earliest opportunity (preferably before the child starts at the school) and hand over all relevant documentation. This will give staff time to put plans in place to ensure a smooth integration into the new school environment.
If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs or have any concerns regarding SEND, please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange an appointment with Mrs H Bott SENDCo or Mrs L Ruddock (Headteacher & SENDCo).
SEND info
For the SEND Strategy 2024 -2025 – please click here
Local Offer
The law states that every local authority must talk with children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities and their families to find out what sort of support and services they need.
A Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families information about what support services are available locally in the Bradford area.
Our Local Offer
Details of our local offer can be found by clicking here.
The Bradford Matrix of Need can be found by clicking here.
To contact the school SENDCO please telephone the school office on 01535 273847