PE & Sports Grant

In 2013/2014 the Government introduced the ‘PE and Sports Premium’ funding to schools. The PE and sport premium is designed to help schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. Following the success of this grant, in 2017/2018 the Government increased the level of funding, determined by the number of pupils on roll.

The Government have spent over £450 million over the last 3 academic years on Sports Funding.

Why PE & Sports are important:

  • Promotes healthy lifestyle including weight control
  • Helps with strength, mobility, endurance
  • Develops social skills
  • and fun!

Sporting Provision at Harden Primary School

  • Daily mile
  • Weekly PE sessions – covers the National Curriculum across the year
  • Swimming lessons for Year 5 (Spring term 2 to end of academic year)
  • A range of after school sporting activity clubs
  • Assessment of progress in PE – children are assessed within lessons/activities and annually in the reports to parents.  Data is analysed for all year groups by the subject leader.

How has the PE & Sports Grant been spent?

Whilst schools must spend the funding to improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils, we are free to choose the best way of using the money.

At Harden Primary we have used the funding to:

  • hire qualified sports coaches to teach PE lessons
  • provide existing staff with teaching resources to help them teach PE and sport
  • extend our after school activity clubs
  • participate in local sport competitions
  • purchase PE equipment

PE Premium 2023/2024 report – click here

PE Premium 2022/2023 report – click here

PE Premium 2021/2022 report – click here

PE Premium 2020/2021 report – click here

PE Premium 2019/2020 report – click here

PE Premium 2018/2019 report – click here

PE Premium 2017/18 report – click here

PE Premium 2016/17 report – click here


How will the sports grant be spent this year?

Please click here to view the PE and Sports Grant intended use of funding report 2019/20