Exceed Academies Trust

Harden Primary School is part of Exceed Academies Trust.
A charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company number 10050238.

Financial information about the Trust and our school, including the below, can be found on the Trust’s website (www.exceedacademiestrust.co.uk).

You can find more guidance about these documents in the Academy Trust handbook.

You can view our school’s dedicated page on the schools financial benchmarking service here: Harden Primary School – Schools Financial Benchmarking – GOV.UK (schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk)


CEO: Mr Duncan Jacques CBE
Chair of Trustees: Mr Hearl Lenton

Registered Address:
Dawnay Road
Tel: 01274 086 490
Email: info@exceedacademiestrust.co.uk
Web: www.exceedacademiestrust.co.uk/